
Showing posts from September, 2024

Season 55 - 2020

  Season 55 was a direct continuation of the previous season but we would be introduced to a second companion for the TARDIS team this season, Andrew Buchan would join the cast as Derek Callaghan who would be Secretary of State for Extraterrestrial Operations. Chibnall saw the season as the starting point for where the show could really run with it’s ideas, Season 54 had to gain the audience’s trust by somewhat playing it safe but Chibnall’s second season didn’t need to do that. To get the show get more on track with the general public it was decided that three new Doctor Who TV shows would air in 2021, the first one was a show where Doctor Who episodes from 1963-98 would all be colourised, restored and animated. The second was a CBBC animated show and the third spinoff would see the return of Olympus. We’ll get back to these three shows later as serious effects will take place causing trouble for a few of the productions of the spinoffs. No Worthy Move By Chris Chibnall The Doctor, on

Season 54 - 2019

  Writer Chris Chibnall stepped in as the new Showrunner of Doctor Who, the BBC had entrusted this season of Doctor Who to him after the success of his ITV Drama Broadchurch. He was also made Head of Franchise after it was announced that Doctor Who would now be a co-production between BBC Studios and Bad Wolf Studios, Julie Gardner and Jane Tranter would be executive producers. Peter Bennett left Doctor Who at the end of Season 53, however Nikki Wilson would remain on & would now be the Series Producer, Matt Strevens would also be an Executive Producer. This season would also be the first where Sony Pictures Television would be involved with the show, giving it a massive budget increase and international distribution (Very much like the Disney+ deal). With this being a new era, there were still changes to the show. The first & most striking change would be the aspect ratio. Since 1999, the show had been broadcast in 16:9. For this season, it was decided to move the show to the