Season 44 - 2007


This season would be the first for the new Doctor – David Tennant, he would basically be the Tenth Doctor from real - life.

This season would be the last season for Freema Agyeman as Holly Tyler as she would leave at the end of the season, Adjoh Andoh and Andrew Hayden-Smith would also leave at the end of the season.

Despite a new Doctor, the titles would remain the same but Henshall’s credit would be replaced with Tennant’s.

Nothing notable changed between Season 43 and 44 and the season would’ve begun in 2007, also in late December 2006 the BBC announced a Doctor Who spin-off to be in the works called Olympus and it would star Paterson Joseph as Hal Adams.


By Russell T Davies

16th June

This is the same story in real life but with minor changes, it’s not set on New Earth and is set on a human colony planet. The character of Novice Hame is removed and replaced with someone else, this person believes the Doctor to be an actual Doctor of science and takes him to sort out the crisis but the character of the Face of Boe is removed.

The Shakespeare Code

By Gareth Roberts

23rd June

Again the same story in real life so I don’t need to go into it.

School Days

By Russell T Davies

30th June

This story sees the Doctor and Holly investigate a school where the teachers seem to be unusual as a

UFO crashed some time ago but was covered up. It turns out that the Slitheen are in charge of the school as they want the smartest children to work as their scientists and to make them smarter they use cooking oil on the school dinners, in the end the Doctor defeats them.

Dead London

By Pat Mills

July 7th

This story sees the Doctor and Holly arrive in London, however they find London to be split into different parts of history from the Roman times to the modern day and the Thames separates the time zones. The streets are stalked by a creature named Sepulchre and all of this is inside it’s mind, we learn that Sepulchre takes people who he considers worthless out of time and places them in the reenactment
chambers in his mind. Sepulchre is defeated when the Doctor is able to remove it from it’s power and exposes him to the people of the Londons who now see him as an alien, but although they’ll still live in his mind they won’t be controlled.

Horror of Glam Rock

By Paul Magrs

July 14th

This story is set in Blackpool in 1974 and sees the Doctor and Holly arriving at a motorway service station where they meet a double act band called ‘The Tomorrow Twins’, we discover that one of the members, Tommy, is being possessed by a race called ‘The Only Ones’ through his Stylophone. The Only Ones are defeated when they are trapped in Holly’s MP3 Player.

The Girl In The Fireplace

By Steven Moffat

July 21st

This is the same story as it is in real life but a few bits are changed to fit one companion.

The Fires of Pompeii

By James Moran

July 28th

Again the same story as it is in real life.

The Eight Truths

By Eddie Robson

August 4th

The TARDIS lands on Earth in the year 2015, the Doctor discovers an organisation called the Eightfold

Truth, who predict that "a rebel sun" was coming to purge the planet and it turns out they are correct.

Worldwide Web

By Eddie Robson

August 11th

The Doctor Discovers that the Eightfold truth is a front for the Eight Legs and that Holly has become a host to their queen, he manages to defeat them once again, saving Holly and Karen Coltraine.

When I Met the Doctor

By Russell T Davies

August 18th

This story is a Doctor and Companion - lite story and features a character called Ben Ward, played by Russell Tovey, the story would see Ben investigate reports about a man with a blue box as he met that same man when he was little. Later in the story he finds his friends to be going missing and a
shapeshifting creature calling himself ‘Mr. Griffin’ is absorbing the lifeforce of Ben’s friends, the Doctor and Holly turn up at the end and the Doctor explains that when he was little his mother was killed when an entity from a different dimension entered this universe.

Storm of The Ocean

By Phil Ford

August 25th

This story sees the Doctor and Holly land on a ship where they find the crew to be afraid of something and they are later attacked by the Kraken, the Doctor manages to save the crew and defeat the Kraken.

The Restoration of Humanity

By Russell T Davies

September 1st

The episode begins with the Doctor and Holly landing in 2007 London, they walk round for a while and notice technology which is ten years advanced, the Doctor asks one of the civilians who makes the tech and the civilian tells him that it’s a Cybus model.

The Doctor asks what Cybus is and the civilian explains that Cybus Inc. are the most popular tech company in the world, naturally the Doctor is suspicious and he and Holly investigate but find nothing.

We then cut to an office and we see a meeting going on and a man is talking about more tech they could make very useful and we soon learn this man is Cybus Inc. founder and CEO John Peddler, played by

Robert Lindsay, he says that they can make prosthetic arms, legs, organs etc. and he’s been working on something for sometime now and he says this can help the world and he gives the people an option to take part or not, most people stay however a few decline and walk out, the people who accepted are taken to a factory like room and Peddler walks out as we hear screams of agony and pain.

The Doctor hacks into Cybus and finds nothing, but finds that several files have been taken of the record and wiped from the archive, so he and Holly make a plan to sneak into Cybus HQ, however they’re soon taken away by some people and brought to a house and we see the Doctor and Holly meet the leader of the group named Ben Stewart, they tell him they’ve been investigating Cybus since 2005 and the Doctor suspects they’re doing a little more then making technology and he says something about Cybus sounds very familiar, we then see Ben get word about a party hosted by Peddler and they drive to the party.

We then see them blend in and the Doctor soon meets with Peddler and talks with him about Cybus and Peddler tells him brand new products are coming out very shortly, the Doctor sneaks off and goes into a room where he hacks into Peddler's computer with his Sonic Screwdriver and he finds a video where Pedler says that he has developed something that will give upgrade technology to the next level, the Doctor realises something in horror and runs out the room where he meets with Holly, telling her, Ben and the team they need to go now but they look at something from out the window and the Doctor says “Of Course!” He tells them he’s seen them before and Holly asks what they are and then we see the things break into the house and the Doctor says “Cybermen!”

Peddler then tells everyone what they are and one Cyberman says that they’re Humanity 0.2 and if they refuse upgrade they will be eliminated, we start seeing people get killed as the Doctor, Holly, Ben and the team run out the house and drive off, and they see more Cybermen in the city, the van runs out of petrol and they’re forced to run and they hide behind a building where they see people being taken away for conversion or being eliminated.

The Oncoming Upgrade

By Russell T Davies

September 8th

This would be the second part in a two-part finale and also would be Freema Agyeman’s last story as Holly Tyler.

The Story starts with the Doctor, Holly and everyone else in a warehouse, which is their base of operations and we learn it’s been an hour since Peddler’s party and they try and think of a way to stop them, they eventually decide upon sneaking into Cybus HQ, however the base is invaded by Cybermen and they all manage to escape apart from two members of the team who killed by Cybermen, they eventually find Cybus HQ which they find to be a factory, The Doctor and Ben go into the cooling tunnels, one member of the team, Danny goes with Holly to take out the transmitter and other members launch an all out assault on the Factory.

The Doctor and Ben go into the tunnels where the Cybermen wake up but they make it up through a hatch and sealing it off.

Holly and Danny knock several guards out and destroy a Cyberman on their way to the transmitter, and the other members blow up and shoot at the Cybermen, Peddler realises what’s happening and orders them to kill them, the CyberLeader says that he will be very useful and he orders Cybermen to take away Peddler for conversion.

We then see the Doctor and Ben find a bunch of levers and buttons on a wall and the Doctor theories that this is what all the conversion units are powered by and before he can turn it off, the Doctor sees Ben get killed and the Cybermen tell him the Controller wishes to see him.

We then see the Doctor be taken to the cyber-control room and he meets with Peddler who is partially converted, we see the Doctor talk with Peddler, whilst also figuring out a few things, after a while Danny and Holly turn off the transmitter and the Doctor sonics a device in the control room, the Cybermen begin

to feel emotions again and start to die because of it, we then see the Doctor, Holly and Danny reunite and make they’re escape and we see Peddler opting to die in the now fiery control room which explodes and then the factory explodes, killing the Cybermen and saving the Earth.

The Doctor thanks Danny and he and Holly go back into the TARDIS, however Holly says she wishes to go home, to which the Doctor accepts and drops her off back in the Powell Estate and they say goodbye to each other and then the episode ends.

The Night Before Christmas

By Russell T Davies

25th December

The story would see the Doctor land in London on Christmas Eve where he finds people to be living in

fear of something, the Doctor teams up with a woman named Penny Carter, played by Hayley Atwell, she and the Doctor would team up and investigate what’s happening. It turns out that an alien race called ‘The Sorvin’ are trying to use the Christmas holidays as a distraction so they can invade, in the end the Doctor defeats them and saves London. Soon later he and Penny talk and Penny tells the Doctor to find someone as they both say their goodbyes.

And that concludes Season 44 of Doctor Who, a popular season on the whole and a good first season for the Doctor, overall Tennant’s portrayal would've been a major hit and an instant success. The next season is Series One of Olympus until then thank you for watching and goodbye.


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