Season 48 - 2011


This season would not see any notable changes, apart from the fact Sanne Wohlenberg would step in as a producer.

The Trinity Test

By Robert Shearman

August 6th

This would’ve been a pure historical and would focus on the Trinity Test which was the first

detonation of a nuclear weapon and the real world character of J. Robert Oppenheimer would appear in this episode, the story would see the trio land in the Testing ground and are soon arrested by US army officers and are taken to the Los Alamos Laboratory and discover what the US are working on and the rest of the story would see the trio getting back to the TARDIs before it’s too late.

Night Terrors

By Mark Gatiss

August 13th

This is the same as it is in real life, so I don’t need to discuss it.

The Man From Taured

By Steven Moffat

August 20th

This story would see the TARDIS land in July 1954 where Customs officials stopped a man who produced a passport from the country of Taured, the man is detained for suspected criminal activity but the Doctor finds out the man is on the run from the Judoon and at the end of the story the Doctor turns him in.

A Town Called Mercy

By Toby Whithouse

August 27th

This is the same as it is in real life, so I don’t need to go into it.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

By Chris Chibnall

September 3rd

Again this is basically the same as it is in real life, the only differences are that the companions father wouldn’t be in it and all companions are present from the beginning, other than that it’s pretty much the same.

The Vaults of Pain

By John Dorney

September 10th

This story would see The TARDIS trio land on a prison ship where the scientists are experimenting the concept of pain, we see the trio disgusted by the actions of the crew who experiment on the prisoners. The story would see the trio stopping the crew along with some of the un-affected prisoners.

The Owl Warriors

By Tom MacRae

September 17th

This story would the TARDIS land on a luxury pleasure planet, but when they land they find it to be a warzone where the Humans are fighting Owl-like robots named the Owl Warriors. We would see that the Owl Warriors are an empire who have taken over half of the galaxy, like a robot Roman Empire, we would see the Owl Warriors slaughter the Humans on the planet and do whatever they need to do to take it over but the Doctor manages to stop them.

The Rebel Flesh

By Matthew Graham

September 24th

This is the same story as in real life, the only difference is that all references to the character of Madame Kovarian are removed.

The Almost People

By Matthew Graham

October 1st

Again, the same story as in real life with the only difference is that any reference to Madame Kovarian is removed.

The Sontarans of France

By Phil Ford

October 8th

This story would see The TARDIS trio land in France 1818 and find that history has been altered

as Napoleon is still in-charge of France, we learn that Napoleon is working with the Sontarans and that they helped with him taking over Europe in what should’ve been Napoleon’s failed campaign to take over Russia, in the end the Doctor defeats the Sontarans and restores history.

The Rings of Akhaten

By Neil Cross

October 15th

This is pretty much the same story as in real life, but the difference is the stuff involving the leaf is removed. Because of this the Doctor ends up stopping the old god by letting him feed off his old memories like how the Doctor tries in real life but fails but in this timeline he’s successful, other than that it’s the same story.

The Orian Empire 

By Robert Shearman

October 22nd

This story would see the TARDIS team land on Earth in 3005, We would see that the TARDIS trio have arrived in one of Humanity’s worst points in history as this was the period where the Orians were in-charge. The Orians are a fascist empire who came into power some 25 years prior to the events of this story and took control of the Earth government.

The story would start with the TARDIS trio landing in London and are later arrested for breaking curfew, we see the trio taken to a government prison where they are locked up where they later escape as the Doctor uses his Sonic Screwdriver to get out the cell, it’s while searching the place that they’re horrified by what they see as prisoners are mistreated and tortured in the most in-humane ways possible. The Doctor is able to start an uprising in the prison and the prisoners

fight the Orian officers, they then declare that the prison is now theirs and use it as a place of operations, the Doctor says that with any luck this will be the fall of the Orian Empire.

We then see a woman, played by Frances Barber, in a fancy building where she gets a report of rebellions happening around London and she says “We will not fall, not now…Not ever!” and we see her looking out the window as the camera pans away as we see Buckingham Palace.

They All Fall Down 

By Robert Shearman

October 29th

This story would kick off with a battle scene where the resistance fight Orian officers and soldiers and eventually liberate London. After this is over the Doctor meets a man named Jason Townsend who is the leader of the resistance and thanks him for his help, the Doctor asks if there’s anywhere that is vital to take over that will cause more harm for the Orian Empire and Jason says that Buckingham Palace is a main place of operations and the Doctor says that’s where they’ll go.

The next part of the story focuses on the trio and the resistance getting to the palace and once they are inside we get another big action packed battle, the Doctor begins to question here whether he should do anything major as this is such an important and historical event and it’s here he makes a plan which will leave all the heavy lifting to the resistance but he will distract the lead of the Orian Empire.

We see the Doctor go in her office and introduce himself to her and he’s says that he’s has been so looking forward to meeting her, we learn that she goes by ‘The Marshall’ and that she’s been in-charge of the Orian Empire for the past 15 years after her father died and she took power and she has made it far more powerful than the Empire ever was under him. During this the Doctor

makes himself as irritating as possible to her, engaging her in pointless conversations and flinging barbed little jokes her way. This makes the Marshall angry but it’s all part of the Doctor’s plan as she’s been distracted for too long and she has made a very fatal mistake, this is all intercut with scenes of the battle on the Palace and the resistance win and at the end of it the Marshall tries to escape but ends up on the roof, the Doctor tries to convince her to face up to what she’s done but the Marshall says that if the Orian Empire falls she will join it and she jumps off the roof where the Doctor stares down at her lifeless body. At the end of the story there are celebrations everywhere as the Empire has officially fallen and the trio leave in the TARDIS.

The Winter Menace

By Robert Shearman & Phil Ford

25th December

This story would focus on a woman named Julie Ashwoth, we see that she hates Christmas time as all her family do is fight and argue at a posh hotel just wishing they’d all go away. She storms out of their suite to fetch some ice, only to find the corridors deserted. Returning to her room, she discovers that her family has indeed disappeared -- but so has all of humanity. Finally, she comes upon the TARDIS and meets the Doctor, Hannah and Mike. Investigating, they discover eight-legged centaur-like creatures abroad in London. It transpires that aliens from another dimension, the Abominations, have frozen time on Earth in order to hold a festival celebrating the marriage of their queen. In the end the Doctor stops them and everything goes back to normal, this episode would see the Doctor teaching Julie about how families are so precious and how you have to keep together no matter what, so at the end of the episode she is more happier with her family then she has ever been.

And that concludes Season 48 of Doctor Who, once again this was another highly regarded season, the next season is Season 49 of Doctor Who until then thank you for watching and goodbye.


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