Season 49 - 2012


This would be the beginning of the Shearman era, in early 2012 it was announced that Shearman and Toby Jones were leaving Doctor Who at the end of the 50th Anniversary special in 2013, Annabel Scholey would also leave at the end of the 50th however it was announced that Martin Compston would leave in Season 49.

Behind the scenes both Piers Wenger and Beth Wilis left as Executive Producers and were replaced by Faith Penhale and Caroline Skinner, Sanne Wohlenberg left as producer leaving only Marcus Wilson and Denise Paul.

Realm of The Daleks

By Robert Shearman

August 4th

The story would see a system of planets which has been taken over by the Daleks, we would’ve seen

the Doctor being really bitter towards the Daleks as he learns they’ve a deal with the Valeyard and he is determined more than ever to stop them. At the end of the story when the Daleks are defeated he finds a Dalek communication device and he speaks into it saying “I know you’re listening so pay attention, I’ll find you and I will stop you.”

Blood of The Cybermen

By Phil Ford

August 11th

The story sees the Doctor following a distress beacon, the trio arrive at the GSO Arctic Drilling Station in 2010. They discover the crew have accidentally excavated Cybermats belonging to the Cybermen, whose ship is buried beneath millennia of ice. The Cybermats have infected the crew with a nano-virus that turns them into Cyberslaves who need to excavate the Cyber-ship. The Doctor is forced to awaken the Cybermen in stasis by Elizabeth Meadows after she threatens to convert Hannah. Once awakened, the Cybermen destroy Meadows. However, the Doctor and Mike quickly rescue Hannah and use the Cybermen's nano-virus to put them back to sleep. Their ship promptly explodes, destroying the virus and returning the remaining infected GSO crew members to normal.

From The Sea

By James Goss

August 18th

The story would see the Sea Devils trying to take over the planet and invading modern day

Cardiff, the story would focus on the Doctor trying to make peace between the Humans and the Sea Devils but being unsuccessful.

The Book of Kells

By Barnaby Edwards

August 25th

This story would focus on the real life disappearance of the Book of Kells in 1006, the story would feature the return of the Meddling Monk and is now played by Jason Watkins, the story is a near pure historical but the inclusion of the Monk makes it so that it isn’t.


By Nicholas Briggs

September 1st

The story sees the Doctor and companions arriving on a Lorelei, a Kaldor cargo vessel, owned by the Kaldor City company, where they find that a group of Robots have begun attacking the

crew. The story would see the trio working with a woman named Liv Chenka to investigate the robots, it turns out that the killer is in fact the ship’s security chief Farel who is disguised as a robot and we learn that his plan was to crash the ship into the planet ventalis and make it look like the robots had gone mad and taken over the ship, eventually Farel is defeated and the Lorelei is saved from crashing.

In The Dark

By Steven Moffat

September 8th

This story sees the Doctor and co. land on a planet where a rescue team crash landed, they tell the Doctor that they were trying to find a starliner with some rare artefacts on it which was supposed to come to Earth but ended up crashing. We would’ve seen the Doctor and co. join the team in the caves, they find an old army base deep in the caves with many old decaying statues

but unknowing to them some of the statues in the dark parts of the cave are Weeping Angels. We would see some of the team being taken one by one and the Doctor soon realises this, this story adds new traits to the Angels so now if you have a picture of an angel it itself can become an angel and if you stare into the eyes of an angel then the image of the angel inside your mind will itself an angel which will begin to kill the person, which is what happens to Hannah.

We also discover near the end of the episode that an angel can create more angels by using stone statues, so all of the statues near the old army base become Weeping Angels and the story ends with the Doctor, companions and some of the team arriving on the ship as the Doctor tries to close the door but the lights in the cave begin to go out and the Angels begin to move in.

Escape The Angels

By Steven Moffat

September 15th

The story picks up from where the last story left where the Doctor manages to close the entrance to the ship, the majority of the story would see the Doctor, Hannah and Mike helping the team to retrieve the artefacts on the ship whilst being hunted by the angels. However, during the story Hannah begins to die from the angel in her eye, the Doctor discovers the only way to save Hannah from dying is if she keeps her eyes shut. They eventually get to the storage unit with the artefacts but the angels have found their way in, the Doctor, Hannah and Mike make their way to the main part of the ship where they set the ship to self-destruct as it’s only those three left and they make their way back to the TARDIS as the ship explodes and it seals off the caves forever, also at the end of the story the Doctor removes the image of the angel from Hannah’s mind.

Cold War 

By Mark Gatiss

September 22nd

This is pretty much the same story as in real life, so I don’t need to discuss it.

The Past in Dreams

By Joseph Lidster

September 29th

This story is a unique one as the Doctor has dreams of past adventures but the adventures take horrible turns for the worst, the adventures recreated are in the following order: The Ark in Space, The Krotons, The Terror Inside, Frontios, Midnight, Blink and The End. It turns out the Nightmare Man is manipulating him to make him feel what he’s dreaming is actually happening but the Doctor manages to defeat him in the end.

For the story’s making Toby Jones would switch costume a lot, so when the Doctor was in reality or facing off against the Nightmare Man he would wear his normal costume, but for dream sequences he would wear past Doctor’s clothes, so if when he was dreaming about the events of ‘The Krotons’ he would wear the Second Doctor’s clothing. Same for the companions but different, as although Hannah and Mike don’t dream about anything during this episode they are seen as past companions in the Doctor’s dreams, so Hannah would wear Zoe’s costume in ‘The Krotons’ dream and Tegan’s outfit in the dream for ‘Frontios’. Mike would wear Jamie’s outfit for ‘The Krotons’ and David’s costume for ‘The Terror Inside’, however if it was a Doctor/Companion lite story then Hannah and Mike would wear different people’s outfits, so for the dream about ‘Midnight’ Hannah would wear Sky’s outfit whilst David would wear Professor Hobbles’ outfit but for ‘Blink’ they wear Sally and Larry’s costumes. For other characters in the dream they would mostly be archive footage but Jones, Scholey and Compston are all green screened into the footage.

The Sontaran Hunt 

By John Dorney

October 6th

The story would focus on a Sontaran war group landing on an Earth colony where they try to find

a Rutan who has disguised itself as a human, the story would see the Doctor helping the Rutan escape but he fails as the Rutan is killed but the Doctor manages to stop the Sontarans.

Nobody Can Hear You Scream

By Simon Guerrier

October 13th

This story would be set on a Space Station orbiting Mars in 2473, we would see the Doctor, Hannah and Mike where we see the security hunting for a murderer who has killed everyone on the station and it’s later revealed that the Vashta Nerada are behind everything. The Doctor makes a plan to get everybody on the ship out safely and at the end of the story only the head of security and two other members make it out along with the Doctor, Hannah and Mike as the station is left to the Vashta Nerada.

The Final Stand, Part One

By Robert Shearman

October 20th

The story starts on a peaceful pleasure planet where all the people are happy and enjoying

themselves, until they see ships descend on their planet and squads of Daleks come out and start to kill everyone insight, the President of the planet is alerted and goes in a secret bunker and tries to look for a crystal but he can’t find nothing and then he hears a voice behind him say “What a lovely crystal you have.”

He turns round and sees the Valeyard, he pushes the Valeyard out the way and runs down the hallway but is killed by a Dalek whilst running and the Valeyard says “This is only the beginning.” as we cut to the opening credits.

Then after the titles we see the Doctor, Hannah and Mike run down a London street into the TARDIS and it dematerialises, they talk about where they want to go next but then the TARDIS suddenly lands in a white marble room in a white void and the Doctor reunites with the White Guardian, the Guardian tells him that the Valeyard is back and he’s

creating the Time Factor, a device which can rewrite time in anyone’s image.

The Doctor runs back inside the TARDIS and explains what’s going to happen and he says he needs help from an old friend, Hannah asks who as we cut to the inside of a Cybership as Cybermen try to locate an intruder, we see a man run down a corridor and then he reaches a dead end, he turns round and we see it’s Hal Adams and as Cybermen are about to kill him the

TARDIS materialises around him and he sighs in relief, he thanks the Doctor and tells him to drop him off on Mars as he’s supposed to be helping the Ice Warriors, but the Doctor tells him about the Valeyard and eventually Hal agrees to help.

The TARDIS then lands on a woodland planet where the final crystal is in a chest somewhere, the search for it and then after while the Daleks arrive and begin to attack, the Doctor, Hal and Hannah fight off the Daleks whilst Mike goes to find the crystal, he finds it but the Valeyard finds Mike and pushes him against a wall and injects him with a needle and the Valeyard says “The Doctor will love to see you as a pile of
bones.” as Mike ages as his skin withers down to the bone and the Valeyard takes the crystal as Mike’s skeleton drops to the ground, the Doctor and Hal try and look for Hannah and Mike but we hear a scream in the distance and they find Hannah over Mike’s skeleton, Hal takes her back to the TARDIS and the Doctor stands over the skeleton saying “Im Sorry.”

The Doctor then sets co-ordinates and says “Time to put an end to all of this.” As we cut to the end credits.

The Final Stand, Part Two

By Robert Shearman

October 27th

The TARDIS lands on a planet, dead in the centre of space and the Doctor, Hal and Hannah talk about what they’re going to do, the Doctor says that the Valeyard has all the crystals for the Time Factor but the actual machine is on this planet, once they’ve landed Hannah says that they need to go and she walks outside onto her street in

2010 as the TARDIS dead locks behind her, we then get a scene very similar to the ‘One day I shall comeback scene’ as the TARDIS dematerialises back to the Doctor’s location.

The Doctor and Hal say they need to get to the planet fast otherwise the Valeyard will win and the TARDIS lands on the planet, they see a hermit and the Doctor goes over to him and pins him against a wall and we see it’s the Monk,

the Doctor asks what he’s doing here and he says Hal contacted him, but Hal says they needed a lot of help and he’s arrested the Monk once before when he was working for the Shadow Proclamation but he knew he could be of value, the Doctor just sighs in annoyance and just asks to get this over with. Soon the Daleks arrive and they begin to fight, this takes up most of the episode, however the Monk soon sneaks off and Hal goes after him, but a Dalek shoots the hill Hal is running up towards and he falls down the hill as the Monk escapes, the Doctor goes over to him and reprogrammes the Vortex Manipulator and says “Thanks for the help,” as Hal teleports away as he shouts “No!” as he ends up on Mars in the Ice Warriors government building, where he was supposed to be

The Doctor then seemingly surrenders as the Valeyard walks out and tells the Doctor that it’s all over, but the Doctor shouts “NO!” he ducks to the floor as the Time Factor explodes and the Daleks are destroyed as the Valeyard ducks to and he and the Doctor begin to fight as the Doctor kicks the Valeyard of the cliff, but without the Doctor seeing, but the audience seeing, he uses a vortex manipulator and survives.

We then see the Doctor walk back to the TARDIS injured and he sits down on a chair and thinks about the people who he’s lost and then he walks to the console and dematerialises.

Christmas After Christmas

By Robert Shearman

25th December

This story sees two plots which I’ll go over separately.

The first plot sees Hannah grieving over Mike’s loss and her settling back into life in Cardiff 2010 as it’s only been a couple of hours since she left in the TARDIS in ‘The Man Outside’, we see Christmas 2010 and it’s miserable as she’s alone but she gets a postcard from the Doctor which she’s happy with. We see quick glimpses of her life from January 1st 2011 all the way through to December 25th 2011 and we see she’s made some friends and she’s spending Christmas with them and she’s becoming more happier with her life now, she also still gets the occasional postcard from the Doctor. We then get more into her life from January 1st 2012 all the way through to December 25th 2012 and she’s never been happier and she’s moving on from the Doctor during this time, we see her taking courses to become a teacher and on Christmas day 2012 she gets an offer to become a maths teacher at Coal Hill School to which she accepts, all of this would be intercut with the Doctor’s plot.

With the Doctor’s plot we see him save countless worlds from the Monoids, the Wirrn, the
Drahvins, Zygons, Ood and the Slitheen. But we see the Doctor has just had enough, he feels defeated by what happened with the Valeyard and he’s made the decision to retire and he dematerialises the TARDIS after saving a village in Yorkshire from the Autons.

We then cut to an office as the TARDIS materialises and the Doctor steps out, we see a woman walk in played by Lenora Crichlow and the Doctor says “Hello, Romana,” Romana asks what kept him and the Doctor walks over to the window as he says “That’s quite a story,” the camera pans out as we see Gallifrey and a caption pops up saying “The Doctor will return in: The War of The Doctor.” As we cut to the end credits

And that concludes Season 49 of Doctor Who, overall this was a pretty good season and built hype around the show for the 50th Anniversary. The 50th Anniversary is the War of The Doctor, until then thank you for watching and goodbye.


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