Seasons 51/53 - 2015/18

Season 51

This season would be the last season for Faye Marsay as Rosalyn Pierce, she would depart in episode six at the end of 2015 and a new companion would be introduced in episode 7 in early 2016, the new companion would be Shelly Anderson played by Mandeep Dhillon.

Something’s Behind You

By Steven Moffat

19th September

This story would see the TARDIS in flight when all of a sudden, it just stops and the Doctor realises that the TARDIS has lost power. The Doctor and Rosalyn go to restore the TARDIS where along the way the explore the rooms and corridors of the TARDIS, however they hear footsteps behind them ever so often and heavy breathing and they both become scared for their lives as they at first they hear whispers when they first go to restore power but it soon evolves into shouting and the footsteps evolve from somebody walking to somebody sprinting. In the end the Doctor restores the power, she and Rosalyn try to find whoever was in the TARDIS but nobody’s there which concerns the Doctor.

Under The Lake

By Toby Whithouse

26th September

This is pretty much the same as it is in real life, so there’s nothing to discuss.

Before The Flood

By Toby Whithouse

3rd October

Again it’s pretty much identical to real life’s story, so there’s nothing to discuss about the episode.

The Quest For Marinus

By Sarah Dollard

10th October 

This story would see the Doctor taking Rosalyn to Marinus, 25 years after the events of ‘The Keys of Marinus’. The story would see the Doctor being shocked at what Marinus has become, the planet is in turmoil due to famine, plague and war and it’s all down to the Government. The Doctor tries to ease the people’s suffering but all hell breaks loose, the Doctor starts to scold the Government but she realises that the head of Marinus’ government is the Master and the rest of the story sees the Doctor trying to overthrow the Master she eventually does and he’s imprisoned and at the end of the episode the Doctor travels ten years into the future and finds Marinus to be a paradise.

Empress of Mars

By Mark Gatiss

17th October

This is pretty much the same as it is in real life, however the characters of Nardole and Missy are removed.

One Mile Down

By Jenny T Colgan

24th October

With Rosalyn wanting to go on holiday, the Doctor takes her to Vallarasee, in spite of her personal distaste for how the place had changed since her last visit. As they are following a guided tour in one of the many attractions of the place, a door closes, trapping Rosalyn and other tourists inside a room filling with water. The Doctor saves them by smashing the door, only to be immediately arrested by the Judoon for "vandalism" and put into custody. While waiting for judgement, she is informed by Thispus that the dome protecting the city from the water is failing.

In order to save everyone, she tricks a Judoon recruit, Clo, so that he would bring her to the leaders of the city. After many attempts, she finally manages to save the town by having Clo arrest all the tourists for various charges, an action which prompts the Judoon to raise the city over the sea to arrest everyone, in the end Rosalyn decides that she’s had enough and decides to go back to 2014 as a paramedic and at the end of the story the TARDIS materialises in the sea where it starts to get attacked by a shark as we cut to a caption saying: “The Doctor will return at Christmas in Shadows of the Vashta Nerada.”

Shadows of the Vashta Nerada

By Steven Moffat and Phil Ford

25th December

The story would see the Doctor arrive on Poseidon 8 where she finds it to be under attack by a Zaralok, occupied by the Vashta Nerada and its people under a "sickness". Shee returns power

to the undersea farming facility, treating the vortron radiation poisoning of its crew and uses a triangulation device to trace the appearance of the Zaralok and the Vashta Nerada to a World War II era warship, the USS Eldridge. The vessel has been brought through a dimensional vortex caused by a malfunctioning cloaking device. The Doctor deactivates the device, returning the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada to their proper time period, and ends the radiation. Though invited to a Christmas feast of "sea pumpkins" as a show of gratitude, the Doctor promptly leaves.

Double Trouble

By Steven Moffat

23rd January

This story would introduce Shelly Anderson, the story would see her investigating ‘Cleverley

House’ an old mansion which has been abandoned for years but she sees strange blue lights from inside the windows. She and her friends go and investigate but we see them get killed as everytime one goes missing they find a skeleton, when the Doctor gets involved she helps the group and they find the dead friends to be absolutely fine and the Doctor says that their friends are dead and these creatures

are taking on their appearance, they explain that they are called ‘The Morphers’ and that they take pleasure in distress and so they lure people into the house and copy them when they are killed and that these are the first people to enter in over 156 years. Eventually the Doctor defeats them after she destroys the house, Shelly asks her if she can come travelling with her to which the Doctor accepts.

No Destination

By Peter Harness

30th January

This story would see the TARDIS land on a train in the 1950s where the Doctor and Shelly soon learn that the train has been going nonstop for the last three days and they don’t know why, the train is later attacked by humanoid dogs in spacesuits and they all move along the train. The Doctor later identifies them as ‘The Rezelt’, they explain that they’re mercenaries for hire sent by the Time Agency to find a criminal and it’s here we learn that the criminal is a woman named Evelyn Stowe who is actually a queen from the year 4295 who is wanted for genocide and war

crimes, this is the reason why the train has been put into a loop so it never gets to it’s destination, In the end Evelyn is captured and arrested by the Relzets and everything goes back to normal so while it may have been three days on the train for the passengers it was actually an hour in real time.

High Class

By Frank Cottrell-Boyce

6th February

This story sees the Doctor and Shelly arrive on a planet which has some of the best tourist attractions in the universe, but the Doctor finds the planet has been quarantined and a class system has been installed, with the rich inhabiting the cities and the poor inhabiting the islands. The Doctor discovers that the planet is controlled by an artificial intelligence called AIL standing for ‘Artificial Intelligent Lifeform’, we discover the Master is on the planet and he’s working with AIL. We discover that AIL has made a fake virus and separated the poor from the rich under the guidance of the Master to make a point that with no matter much money these people have, they will not help anyone with a bad quality of life and the Master taunts the Doctor as maybe there not the race the Doctor thought they were, the Doctor destroys AIL and declares quarantine over as people start living with each other again in the city as the Master escapes.

Theatre of Monsters and Men

By Toby Whithouse

13th February

This story sees the Doctor and Shelly arrive at the Lyceum theatre in 1894, the story would see the Doctor and Shelly meet the real world people of Bram Stoker and Henry Irving. We would see

the four team up to fight Vampires who are living underneath the Lyceum Theatre, in the end the Doctor defeats the Vampires when she stakes them through the heart as they turn to dust, this story also sees Irving slowly turning into a vampire and this helps Stoker as Irving was a main inspiration for Count Dracula and in the story Stoker is almost bitten by Irving.

Home, Part One

By Steven Moffat

20th February

This story is about a starship carrying the residents of Kravalan IV where they are finally heading home, the TARDIS lands on the ship and they find everyone to be really excited to return. The

Doctor meets the head scientist Elisa Bevan, played by Lara Pulver, we see her acting more strangely then usual and we soon discover she’s a new incarnation of the Rani, the Doctor she’s up to no good and we see the Rani use a weapon called a ‘Heat Flare’ and fires it at the planet and the story ends with everyone on the ship witnessing Kravalan IV becoming a sun within minutes and the Rani announces gleefully that she’s drained the ship of all it’s power and they will be going home as the Doctor looks out the window in fear.

Home, Part Two

By Steven Moffat

27th February

This story sees everybody panicking as they are going to die, the story would see the Doctor and Shelly try to get the ship’s power back but to no avail and we also see that the Rani is trying to

escape but the Doctor and Shelly find her TARDIS and the Doctor messes with her console and says that the Rani could face the same fate as this ship. The Story would end with most people dying from the heat and the Doctor would carry Shelly back to the TARDIS as she’s passed out due to the extreme temperature and as the TARDIS de-materialises the ship collides with Kravalan IV which is now a fireball, we also see the Rani trying to de-materialise in the last moments of the ship as she laughs insanely.

Shelly wakes up in the TARDIS and the Doctor beats herself up as she should’ve saved everybody on the ship, Shelly comforts her as she says that she can’t save everyone and we would see Shelly comfort her as she breaks down and cry as we cut to the end credits.

And that concludes Season 51 of Doctor Who, the reaction to the season itself was not favourable and it was clear that this season was not as up to standard as the last season and there was a notable increase from more right-wing fans who’d started to complain that the show was starting to become “too PC” & “woke”.

Season 52

Before this season it was announced that Madeep Dhillon would be leaving at the end of the season.

Beneath The Waves

By Steven Moffat

October 1st

This story would see the return of the Sea Devils who were last seen in Season 49, the story would’ve seen a diving team go missing and the Doctor and Shelly would help Wilson and a UNIT rescue team to find them. They take a submarine down where find a cave and when they try to go through it the submarine drops onto the floor of the cave, the Doctor says that it must be a bubble of sorts and that they should probably investigate further and they soon find a colony of Sea Devils working with the Master as they plan to wipe out Britain with a tsunami and the Sea Devils will take over, the Doctor and co. find the diving team and rescue them, the Doctor then defeats the Sea Devils and destroys several equipment and she also seals off the cave as the Master escapes.

The Creeping Death

By Roy Gill

October 8th

This story sees the Doctor and Shelly arriving during the Great Smog of London, the Doctor and Shelly stumble across the Fumifugium's attempt to invade Earth using the smog as a cover. They manage to repel the invasion with the help of Ivy Clark, Richard Cooper and Terry Hopkins, before leaving with them for the sea to have a proper holiday.

How The Monk Got His Habit

By Peter Harness

October 15th

The story opens with Boney M’s ‘Ra Ra Rasputin’ song playing as a capsule flies through space, we then cut to the inside of the console room where the Monk, played by Matt Berry, is dancing to the song and

piloting the TARDIS, the Monk then says to himself “How hysterical it would be to get Rasputin to listen to this masterpiece" he then smiles and gets the TARDIS to czarist Russia and gets the real Grigori Rasputin to listen to the song, but the experience drives Rasputin completely mad. This is enough to change history, averting the Russian Revolution of 1917 and consequently messes up the further course of human history. Terrified at what he has done, the Monk phones the Doctor and says: "I've made a terrible mistake".

After the credits roll, the Monk would turn out to have contacted, not his contemporary, but the current Doctor; together, she, the Monk and Shelly try to put things to right. With it proving impossible to return the real Rasputin to normal, the Doctor's fellow Time Lord is eventually forced to regenerate into Rasputin's form and act out the rest of Rasputin's "correct" lifetime in the part of "the Mad Monk" — a role which would, the Doctor knows, rub off on him.

Death and The Queen

By James Goss

October 22nd

The Doctor and Shelly travel to the French Rivera in the 1780s, they meet Rudolph of Goritania and Shelly becomes his Queen and runs away with him. The Doctor tracks her down to Goritania and warns her about Death who was approaching the castle. She eventually conceded she'd been hostile to Rudolph due to not wanting Shelly to leave and gives her blessing, unaware Shelly has just discovered the marriage is a trap. She interrupts the ceremony to try to stop Shelly being surrendered to Death but she rejected her help and danced with Death, who could not destroy her anyway because her underwear was made from the royal standard. Shelly chooses to continue travelling with the Doctor.

The Frost Fair

By Sarah Dollard

October 29th

This is basically Thin Ice from real life so there’s nothing to discuss.

The Witchfinders

By Joy Wilkinson

November 5th

This is pretty much the same story from real life, but elements of the story are changed from having a TARDIS team of four to a TARDIS team of two.

The Martian Christmas

By Steven Moffat

December 25th

This story sees a Martian Colony on Christmas Eve in the year 4027, the Space Security Service are on the planet as they try to resolve issues between the Human colonists and the Ice Warriors as an all-out war is about to break out. The Doctor and Shelly would work with a man named Ronan Crowley, played by Ace Bhatti, he is a Space Security Agent and he is trying to resolve the issues on Mars before Christmas Day, the trio would discover that the Master is fueling the fire and is behind everything as he wants one of the two races to lose Mars and he doesn't really care which side loses.

The Doctor saves the day when she exposes the Master and is eventually able to make peace between Ice Warriors and Humans where both races enjoy Christmas with each other.

The TARDIS then lands on a snowy street in London, 4027 on Christmas Eve night, as the Doctor drops Ronan back home although she does asks if he wants to come with her and Shelly, but he declines saying that’s hardly ever here on Christmas Day and wants to be with his family, they say goodbye and the TARDIS dematerialises as Ronan’s two children run out and give him a hug as his wife gives him a kiss.

The Tsuranga Conundrum

By Chris Chibnall

January 7th

Again, same story from real life, but elements of the story are changed from having a TARDIS team of four to a TARDIS team of two.

The Warned Eruption

By Sarah Dollard

January 14th 

This story covers the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa, the story would see the return of the Monk, played by Matt Berry. NOTE!!! The appearances of Berry’s Monk going forward and this story are pre-How The Monk Got His Habit.

We would see the Monk trying to warn people of the impending eruption and the Doctor knows she’ll have to do something which she knows she’ll regret and she throws a bottle of liquid into the volcano which will make it erupt quicker and the Doctor and Shelly leave in the TARDIS. At the end of the story Shelly’s angry at what the Doctor did but she explains that history can’t change no matter how many people it will help.

We Are The Daleks

By Jonathan Morris

January 21st 

Arriving in 1987 Britain, the Doctor is shocked to see a tower in the exact form of a Dalek, serving as the main office of the Zenos Corporation. As she works with Shelly to infiltrate the Zenos Corporation, the Doctor learns that the Daleks are working with the corporation's CEO, Alek Zenos, to present themselves to the British government as interested in becoming Britain's economic partners in the galactic market. As part of this plan, the Daleks also introduce a new video game, Warfleet, which allegedly depicts a space empire pursuing a rebel ship, but actually allowed the players to take control of Dalek drone ships in the future and use them against the Daleks' enemies, subverting the Daleks' handicap of relying on pure logic.

The Doctor nearly turns the tables when Shelly was able to tell the Warfleet players what was happening and convince them to help the rebels, as well as the revelation that Alek Zenos was actually a double agent working with Thal rebels against the Daleks. However, things turn against the Doctor when MP Celia Dunthorpe allied with the Daleks, believing that the economic benefits of an alliance with the Daleks was more important than the Doctor's warning about how dangerous they were. Although the Daleks almost win by using the Zenos Tower to transmit a Dalek perspective across London, brainwashing even Shelly to adhere to a Dalek philosophy, the Doctor was able to cure Shelly of the programming and pass on instructions before he was taken to a new Dalek homeworld for trial.

Using the Doctor's advice, Shelly is able to reprogram the time corridor in Zenos Tower to send the entire tower to the Dalek homeworld, the continued broadcast of the "Dalek Factor" causes the Daleks on the Homeworld to turn on each other as their natural aggression and arrogance is amplified. With the Daleks destroying themselves and the Warfleet players helping the rebels rescue the Thal slaves on on the Homeworld, the Doctor uses the building to trigger a time storm after setting up a time corridor to take herself and her allies back to Earth, the resulting storm causes most Daleks left on the planet to age to death as their parts became too old to operate.

Knock Knock

By Mike Bartlett

January 28th 

This is pretty much the same as it is in real life, the only difference is that Shelly goes to visit her family as they’ve moved into a new house and wouldn’t be about Bill and her friends moving in, but apart from the mostly everything is the same.

The Doomed

By Steven Moffat

February 4th 

This story would see the TARDIS landing in a city during what appears to be night time, the Doctor and Shelly explore and find a culture similar to 1930s America but in a much poorer quality of life. The Doctor and Shelly would investigate strange goings on as people are starting to go missing in and around the local hospital, the Doctor and Shelly look around and find several patients with bandaged faces in hospital gowns using voice synthesisers, the Doctor says that she thinks something is wrong. Eventually they find an office and find a man talking on the phone inside and it’s revealed to be the Master, we learn he was stranded here and has lost his TARDIS and tells the Doctor he’s found something and he takes them to a surgery room and makes her look in the dark part of the room and says “I believe you’ve met before, excuse me I mean…You

will meet them.” He smiles maniacally as something slowly walks out of the shadows and the Doctor says in horror “A Cyberman, a Mondasian Cyberman, that must mean…I’m on Mondas!” The Master asks it what it is and the Cyberman replies “We are Human 0.2.” The Master tells the Doctor he’s started the genesis of the Cybermen a lot earlier but he’s had a little help from his friends and then the Rani, played by Lara Pulver, and the Monk, played by Matt Berry, walk into the room and the Master says “Mondas will rise and you will fall,” as the three of them laugh and the Doctor looks at them with disgust as we cut to the end credits.

The Rise of Mondas

By Steven Moffat

February 11th

This story would start with the Doctor and Shelly tied up on a roof where the Master, the Rani and the Monk all rejoice about their victory, the Doctor then tells them that after all this time if they still think they're winning when she's in the room, they're missing something obvious. Hearing the Cybermen advancing, the Rani looks over the ledge and quakes in horror; the Cybermen are coming for them. The Master is confused, as these Cybermen are primitive and shouldn't even be attempting to convert non-humans.

The Doctor explains that when she was knocked down by the Rani, she altered the signal of the Cybermen so they would convert two-hearted beings as well, hence why they are now focusing on the Time Lord's presence.

The Doctor frees herself and Shelly and announces she’s the only one who can defeat the Cybermen and the three Time Lords agree to let her help as they are now all in this mess, the Master uses a remote control device to recall a ship and they all get onboard.

They go to somewhere called ‘The Outlands’ which house nothing but a farmhouse, everyone settles in and all form a plan to stop the Cybermen, the Master explains that it’s only a small army and that he, the Rani and the Monk killed all the surgeons who knew how to convert people and the Doctor says that although that they shouldn’t have killed those people, it’s good for the timeline as the Cybermen shouldn’t have been created this early.

They get ready and Shelly says that if she survives this she wants to go home and the Doctor says that she understands, the Monk then shouts that the Cybermen are here and they get ready, drawing their respective devices, and fight the Cybermen. The Master uses his Tissue Compression Eliminator as he battles his way to his spacecraft, the Master is caught in an explosion which is caused by a Cyberman but manages to escape as he very weakly pilots the craft.

The Monk uses a laser gun on all the Cybermen whilst throwing unnecessary jokes at the same time, eventually he runs out of ammo and retreats back to the house as he uses his spare Time Vortex Manipulator and Shelly catches him doing this and tries to stop him but he gets away, the Cybermen then turn up at the farmhouse and find Shelly.

The Rani kills some of the Cybermen and just does it casually, she meets a terrible end as she runs out of ammo and is shot by a Cyberman using it’s energy beam and she just lies there, she doesn’t even regenerate, she’s seemingly dead.

The Doctor goes back to the house knowing the fates of nearly everyone but finds Shelly dead as she’s been killed by a Cyberman, broken and angered the Doctor walks out the house and returns to the forest, The Doctor ignites several of the Cybermen, listing the numerous times she has defeated them while doing so. However, she is inevitably surrounded and the Cybermen ask for her occupation. She declares she is the Doctor but the Cybermen retort they have no need for a doctor anymore, the Doctor  uses a grenade and jumps out of the way and a mighty explosion occurs

The Doctor lies down taking cover in the middle of the destroyed forest but she gets up and we see her take a long walk back to the TARDIS and she finds it in the city and she steps inside, she de-materialises and sits down on a chair. We cut back to the TARDIS console room a while later and she feels bad over the death of Shelly.

And that concludes Season 52 of Doctor Who. This was a mixed decent season at best, there seemed to be a vocal part of the fan base that claimed Doctor Who was becoming too “woke.”


This season would’ve been the final season in the Moffat/Gomez era, taking over in Season 54 would be writer Chris Chibnall. This season was the only season for the new companion Daniel Cole, played by Warren Brown, a construction worker from modern day Cardiff. In order to build up hype for the new era, the new Doctor was announced in a live show on August 5th 2018, six months after Season 53’s second half finished airing.

Rogue Protocol

By Steven Moffat

October 7th

This story is the first for Daniel to be introduced in, the story would see his everyday life as a

construction worker and would also see his life outside his job. During this he hears a noise from inside the construction site and finds a dead body and the robot says “Human Lifeform: ELIMINATE!” Just then the Doctor runs to the Robot and uses her sonic screwdriver to cause the fuse box next to it to explode but it’s not destroyed, the Doctor and Daniel run out of the construction site and the Doctor tells Daniel to forget about her and have a good night but Daniel is not that easy to get away from as he wants answers, they go to a nearby cafe where the Doctor explains what it is and she tells Daniel who she is and that the thing he encountered is called an ‘Assassin Droid’ and it’s here because there’s a target in this time period that they’ve got to take out. Over the course of the story the Doctor and Daniel would try to find the target who is one of Daniel’s co-workers and they get him to safety as the Doctor, the Doctor and Daniel would get attacked by the Droid and later on in the story UNIT and Wilson turn up to help, the Doctor and the Droid fight on top of a crane and the Doctor manages to push it off and it gets destroyed. At the end of the episode, Daniel is offered to come with the Doctor on her travels and he says no initially as he doesn’t think going anywhere in a blue box is possible but the Doctor clicks her fingers and he looks inside and he’s amazed and the Doctor asks “How about now?” Daniel smiles as the episode ends.


By Pete McTighe

October 14th

This story is pretty much the same but parts of it are changed as we have the Doctor and Daniel in this story instead of the Doctor, Yaz, Ryan and Graham.


By Matt Fitton

October 21st

This story sees the Doctor and Daniel visiting the London Technology Museum in 2021 where the Doctor becomes interested in the M-pad which has a built-in A.I named Silvi. When people start becoming scared of their technology, she and Daniel investigate however her mind becomes affected, rendering her unable to use the sonic screwdriver and TARDIS, though not before she traces the source of the effect to the Underground. There she and Daniel find the Koggnossenti base and get themselves purposely captured to distract the aliens so a train driver called Kevin can ram it with a train to force their machinery to turn off. Whilst the humans escaped in the confusion, the Doctor tampers with the Koggnossenti's machine so it can affect them. She gives them a chance to leave however the Koggnossenti reactivate the machine regardless and hurriedly attempt to retreat upon realising they are being affected, only to perish when they inadvertently blow up their ship.

Sound of The Underground

By Toby Whithouse

October 28th

This story would see the return of the Silurians, we would’ve seen the TARDIS arrive in London and would see the Doctor and Daniel take a train but later in the adventure the train shakes violently and it enters a Silurian city where the Silurians take the humans as prisoners, the story would be a generic Silurian take over the world story and we would’ve seen the Doctor trying to stop them and save the passengers which she is eventually able to do with the help of UNIT and General Wilson.

Night of The Spectre, Part One

By Phil Ford

4th November

This story sees Daniel learning that his Sister is getting married and asks the Doctor to take him to the wedding and they later arrive, the TARDIS lands in West Massachusetts to be reunited with Daniel’s sister Maria for the special occasion as it was the home of Maria's fiance. The day of their wedding takes place on the 1st November at Ravens' Fall.

However the night before their wedding Maria finds a jewel which is believed to have been used for purposes of witchcraft, the end of the story would see a ghostly figure appear in front of Maria and Daniel.

Night of The Spectre, Part Two

By Phil Ford

11th November

This story would focus on the Doctor, Daniel and Maria trying to stop the Spectre and we see the Spectre take over Maria’s fiance, we learn that the Spectre has been trapped for hundreds of years after the Spectre was locked in a spirit box by the locals. In the end the Doctor defeats the Spectre by tricking it to get back into the box and Maria gets married.

The Music of Christmas

By Steven Moffat

25th December

This story would see the Doctor and Daniel land in 1950s London where they find a new Christmas instrumental song has taken the country by storm, however the Doctor and Daniel discover the song is actually a message and the notes form the message and alien elves soon arrive on Earth. Eventually the Doctor and Daniel save everyone from the aliens and the song is confiscated by the government.


By Jamie Mathieson

January 6th

Again, Same as it is in real life so I don’t need to go into it.

The Peterloo Massacre

By Simon Allen

January 13th

This story is a pure historical and covers the Peterloo Massacre, the story would see the Doctor and Daniel exploring  the time period before the Doctor discovers where they are and trying to get back to the TARDIS but they get split up and have to find each other again. As the Doctor tries to find Daniel he gets involved with a group of over 60,000 people who are protesting, the protest becomes a riot, which forces the cavalry to deal with the riot and many people die but the Doctor manages to save Daniel.

The Sword and The Chevalier

By Guy Adams

January 20th

This story sees the Doctor bringing Daniel to Slough, 1791, to see the local telescope, she tricks her into a duel against the Chevalier d'Eon, which the Doctor loses. Looking into the telescope, the Doctor sees a ship of the Consortium of the Obsidian Asp heading towards Earth and tracks it down to Christopher Dalliard's house party, which she enters by pretending to be a famous Italian tenor. When Joxer and Hempel threaten the guests' lives, the Doctor and the Chevalier destroy their android duplicates with sword fighting, before confronting them on their ship. The Doctor forces them to recognise her as a Time Lord, a superior being, and then orders them to go and release every single slave they ever sold.

Time Reaver

By Jenny T. Colgan

January 27th

The Doctor and Daniel travel to Calibris to procure a new fluid link for the TARDIS from Soren. They discover the Time Reaver weapon is loose on the streets and the Vacintians have occupied Calibris in search of it. They discover the gangster Gully has acquired the weapon from Cora, the daughter of the Vacintian commander. Upon finding the Time Reaver with the Vacintians, the Doctor defuses it by exposing all of its energies to her, slowing time around herself so much it feels like decades have passed in mere minutes. Once she resumes normal time, Daniel informs him that Gully had escaped and they depart whilst the Vacintians withdraw.

The Dalek Terror, Part One

By Steven Moffat

February 3rd

This story is the start of a two part finale.

The story would start with the TARDIS landing in London and the Doctor and Daniel finally enjoying themselves, the Doctor and Daniel go their separate ways but agree to meet up soon and we soon get two different plots, I’ll cover both plots

The first plot sees Daniel seeing a light in an abandoned shop and breaking into it through the back to see what’s in there and he soon finds a very futuristic looking machine and teleports himself on what appears to be a spaceship and he is soon captured by a Dalek and taken to the Supreme Dalek where by they think he’s the Doctor but he explains he’s a friend of the Doctor and they decide to use him as bait.

The second plot sees the Doctor find a hooded figure acting suspicious as she follows him around London and she later discovers that it’s the Master, he explains that he’s

doing some investigating and they both work together and discover a Dalek ship is overlooking London and the Master explains there staying hidden by a cloaking device. They soon come into contact with the Supreme Dalek and where they want the Doctor and the Master to come on-board the Dalek ship but the Doctor refuses whereby the Supreme Dalek says “You don’t have a choice!” as she sees Daniel on the communication screen as we cut to end credits.

The Dalek Terror, Part Two

By Steven Moffat

February 10th

This would be the final story for Warren Brown as Daniel Cole.

The story would see the Doctor and the Master working together to form a plan over the course of the first ten minutes and then we see them arriving on the Dale ship, where the Doctor is reunited with Daniel and the three are seemingly working together and the Supreme Dalek says that they want the knowledge of a Time Lord to give the Daleks knowledge to time travel so they can be unstoppable, however a big twist happens as the Daleks kill the Supreme Dalek and the Master is crowned ‘King of The Daleks’, Daniel would escape teleporting himself back down to Earth but the Doctor is electrocuted by the Master.

Earth would be attacked by a few Daleks but are defeated by Wilson and UNIT.

We would see the Doctor being electrocuted where the Master says that nothing will hold him back any longer, Daniel would attempt to pilot the TARDIS and by this stage the Doctor is very weak as the Master attaches her to headset but Daniel arrives and the Doctor escapes and presses self-destruct and it’s a minute’s countdown, Daniel fights the Master where by the Master stabs Daniel and seemingly kills him and the Master is about to use his Tissue Compression Eliminator on the Doctor but Daniel electrocutes him and tells the Doctor to go and she very reluctantly does so as she’s too weak to help and she de-materialises and the Master finally finishes off Daniel and he runs back to his TARDIS, but we cut to an exterior shot off the spaceship as it explodes. The Doctor is now very weak from the electrocutions she received and notices her hand glowing but she refuses to change, as she winces in pain she pilots the TARDIS and then a caption reads: “The Doctor will return at Christmas in A Town Called Christmas.”

Doctor Who Live: The Fifteenth Doctor

Live Special

5th August 2018

Halfway through the broadcast of the second half of Season 53 it was announced the 15th Doctor would be announced in a live 40 minute special. The special was to be hosted by Matt Baker and several guests would take part, the were: Michelle Gomez, Warren Brown, Trevor Eve, Peter Davison, Bernard Cribbins, Steven Moffat and Chris Chibnall. Trevor Eve and Peter Davison were interviewed at the same time and recalled when they were announced as the Doctor and how wonderful their times on the show were, Steven Moffat said how much joy he’s had writing for Doctor Who since 1996 and he’s thrilled that he’s handing it over to Chris Chibnall, to which Chibnall spoke about what plans he has for his era. Bernard Cribbins who played Wilfred Mott in the Russell T Davies era talked about the show and how great it is and Michelle Gomez and Warren Brown talked about their time on the show and leaving, we then had several inserts of UK celebrities talking about their love for Doctor Who.

At the 30 minute mark, Matt Baker got the audience excited as the new Doctor was going to be announced as a hero for a new generation as the new Doctor is…Sacha Dhawan!

A loud applause echoed through the studio as Dhawan walked out as the Doctor Who theme played and he sat next to Gomez and Brown, he then talked about when he played Warris Hussein in An Adventure In Space And Time and how he’s so happy that he’s joining the show, the special then ended with the previous guests coming out on stage to meet Dhawan.

After the special it was confirmed Season 54 would air in 2019 as a full uninterrupted broadcast, meaning no split season and a Christmas special would air at the end of the year.

A Town Called Christmas

By Steven Moffat

December 25th

This would be the final stories for Michelle Gomez as the Doctor and Steven Moffat as Showrunner.

The story would see the TARDIS landing on a planet which house nothing but a town which is called Christmas, the Doctor walks out still in pain and refusal to regenerate, she meets a man

called Steve, played by Daniel Adegboyega, we would see Steve nurse and help her through the story as the Doctor deals with the threat. We would’ve seen Snowmen come to life as humanoid figures and attack the locals, the Doctor would try to figure out a way to destroy them whilst dealing with her continuing refusal to regenerate. We also would’ve seen her grow very fond of Steve and the Doctor start to develop feelings for him, the Doctor would discover the Snowmen’s underground lair which helps them to survive, the Doctor and Steve would destroy their main equipment and catch the parasite which was bringing the snowmen to life called ‘A Frostbug’, the Doctor then decides that it’s time for her to regenerate and she bids Steve a tearful goodbye as she kisses him on the cheek and as the TARDIS dematerialises Steve watches as he breaks down crying in the middle of the town.

In the TARDIS, the Doctor gives a big speech about how the universe is so massive and unknown to so many she wonders that maybe change is good, no matter how big or small it’s

sometimes for the better. She says "One more lifetime won't kill anyone. Well, except me", but not before relaying advice to her next incarnation. She collapses as she does so but manages to return to her feet. Finally ready, her final words are “Break a leg, Doctor.”

With that, she takes a last quick gasp for air before she regenerates, the process so violent that the energy ignites the console room as her face morphs into something new.

Smoke fills the console room and once it clears we see the Fifteenth Doctor,

he stands in silence for a moment and then a wide, ecstatic smile appears on his face and he says “Here we go again,” Excited, he presses a button on the console. Upon doing so, the TARDIS suddenly suffers multiple failures and, hanging thousands of feet above the Earth, sharply jerks causing the doors to face the ground. The Doctor tries to hang on but the doors open, threatening to suck him out. As the Doctor grabs the console, the ship continues to shake, sending all of his books and papers flying out the open doors. The Doctor hangs on for dear life as he struggles to keep onboard the TARDIS as we cut to end credits.

And that concludes Season 53 of Doctor Who, overall this season was described as a decent season at best and the reviews were generally positive, the only problem was the weak finale and it was felt that a lot of quality was missing and that was it’s main issue, however there was a loud majority of people who viewed the show as becoming a failure and did nothing but complain with the show progressing with the times.

Overall the Moffat era was seen as a mixed bag but in the eyes of the BBC this wasn’t good enough and many of the higher ups saw this era as a failure, this was the same as Gomez’s Doctor as she was also seen as a failure by the BBC but in fan’s eyes she wasn’t that bad.

The next season is Season 54 of Doctor Who, until then thank you for watching and goodbye.


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